Thursday, January 1, 2009

Time to organize...

What is it about the time immediately following Christmas that makes me want to organize every drawer and closet it in the house? Since we have had kids, we have a boat load more presents to bring back after Christmas than we used to. I was talking to two of my friends and they had the same feeling after Christmas...instant need to organize.

So last Sunday Rick and I set out to reorganize the playroom to get rid of toys they no longer played with and put the new toys they received from Christmas in the room. When I had just Lexi, I used to wash her toys every time I cleaned, now that we have two kids cleaning every toy they have usually only happens 3-4 times a year because it takes forever. Just cleaning the dishes in the kitchen area and all of Lexi's little figurines she plays with takes hours. I think this time we spent a good six hours just cleaning the toys with soap and water.

Since they got two more items that require wall space in the playroom (the lego table and the workshop), we decided to put some items of furniture in the middle of the room to create little rooms. I think it turned out good. We try to switch it around at least twice a year so the kids don't get bored in there. Lexi and I switched the posters today also. The Little Mermaid just wasn't cutting it in the space we created for Will. His poster is now Cars.
When did Lexi become taller than the kitchen set? Up next...Lexi's hair accessories drawer. Ughh!

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