Monday, July 13, 2009


Last weekend the new flag pole at the Little Falls ballpark was dedicated to Reno and Elva Frailing. The ball players, headed by Kyle Fischer, constructed the memorial.
Before today's National anthem is played, we would like to take a moment to dedicate the new flag and flag pole in memory of Reno and Elva Frailing.

Reno and Elva were avid Logger fans and rarely missed a game. They would always be the first ones at the park on Sunday afternoons to watch the Loggers take batting practice and hand out bubble gum to the team as they arrived. After a winning game, Elva would be the first to congratulate the players on a good game and Reno would be sharing his victory cigars.

Sadly, Elva passed away in January of 2000 and Reno joined her this past March. They are greatly missed at the ballpark. The new flag you see flying today was presented to Reno's family at his funeral in honor of his service to our country in World War II. Please join me in a moment of silence for Reno and Elva as we remember their love of life and baseball.

Miss you guys!

(to the tune of, Miss You - Miley Cyrus)


Nikki Cleary said...

That is just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Wow, Kyle and the guys did a beautiful job making grandma and grandpas memorial. xoxo

Lori @ P.M. Photographic said...

Thank you for sharing this moment! How awesome! Good work and built with lot of love!
xoxo Lori