Miley on her 1st day with us last April. When I picked her up for the first time, I swear to you she curled up in my neck and made this crying noise that said, "take me home!" It made everyone in the room laugh. Lexi and Miley on her 1st day with us.When Miley first came home she used to follow Will everywhere. Soon after, she turned into a mamma's girl. If I am at the computer she will lay next to me. If I walk to switch the laundry, she will follow me and then when I return to the computer she will lay back down by me again. She normally won't get out of bed until I do even if Rick and the kids are up. She has definitely chosen me as her master (she loves Rick and the kids - but respects me more, if that makes any sense) When we have plans, her babysitter is my dad. She and Lenny just love him. Not sure what he gives them when we are not there, but they are definitely attached to him. Last weekend she stayed over with the kids at my mom and dad's house and they brought them back to Neenah. Miley wouldn't leave dad's side the whole time they were here. Then when they were getting ready to leave, he put his shoes on and she actually barked at him like she was mad he was leaving. Will and Miley last night. She crawled in bed with him and he was of course kissing her again. (even after I have explained to him several times she drinks out of the toilet - I guess boys don't care about that kind of thing - ha ha)For her birthday she got treats and a new bed. The kid's couldn't wait to sing Happy Birthday to her. Since she has been with us she has mastered kennel training and moved on to being trusted to roam the laundry/bath area with the doorway being blocked with a baby gate. We are now thinking about letting her have the run of the downstairs while we are gone now that she has turned 1.
Happy Birthday Miley!
We love you!