Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Batmobile...

On Wednesday Will and his class at his daycare are having a "drive in movie". They have to construct a car out of a box to sit in during the movie. Lexi has made two in the past years, so Rick is a seasoned veteran making them. Will's favorite character at this time is Batman, so his car is the Batmobile. After Rick painted it for him, Will and Lexi decorated it with stickers.

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Pictures...

This weekend we had Will and Lexi's pictures taken for their upcoming birthdays. Lexi has school pictures, so we just had one pose of her and then her and Will together. They turned out cute. (my scanner is acting up again, sorry for the poor quality)

Although Lexi looks cute no matter what, she also looks like she was in a fight. She is missing her front teeth and had a run in at Joni's house with a rock. (hence the scratched up elbows)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Racing days...

This year, after racing over 40 years, my dad has retired from stock car racing. Besides my wedding day, there aren't many races that I can remember him missing over the years. I think he started racing when he was 18 years old and didn't miss many seasons over the last forty years. Although I know deep down he misses it dearly, I personally think it was a great time to end his racing career having been inducted into the Shawano Speedway's Hall of Fame last summer and turning 60 this past winter. I spent many summers running around at the track, but haven't been there very often since the kids were born. Will is really into race cars right now so there is still hope that Dad will have a grandson to carry on the tradition of racing.

(beware of poor quality of photos - didn't have many originals)

Dad's car when he was 19 years old.

This is the first car I can remember him working on in the garage as a kid.



Lexi's first time at the races. Oshkosh - July 2007
July 2007 - Oshkosh. Dad, Lexi, Amara Otto, Alec Bartz, Bryson Otto

Dad was inducted into the Shawano Speedway's Hall of Fame in July of 2008. We had a big cheering section that night - even had special t-shirts made.

This was the page in the bulletin they handed out during the Hall of Fame night.

Picture board that was on display on Hall of Fame night.

Hanging out in "the pits" between races.

Dad and Tom

Will's first trip to the race track - July 2008.

The kids surprised dad by getting permission ahead of time to go out on the track during the Hall of Fame ceremony. They brought him bouquets of flowers.

We had a party after the races at Pederson's Bar.

Dad and Dan
Dad and the "Leopolis Ladies"
Although I am sure he will still be frequenting the race track on Saturday nights, he will be doing it from the stands instead of ripping up the dirt track. When I used to go to the races as a teenager, I would be like.."Hell yeah - go...go...go" Now, the last couple of years I find myself closing my eyes and hoping to heaven he doesn't get into a crash to avoid a serious injury. Happy retirement Dad.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A little catching up...

I haven't blogged much in the last couple of weeks, so I am trying to do a "catch up" blog today.

At the beginning of the month I attended a baby shower for my friend Jessie. I first met Jessie in kindergarten and we remained good friends throughout high school and I later went on to marry her cousin. She is expecting a baby boy at the beginning of June.
Jessie and her mom Margie.
Jessie's mother-in-law made this cute "diaper cake".
Complete with a sling shot sticking out of the back of the pants.
This gift was given to Jessie by her cousin Nikki. She made the ducky blanket in the background and then completed the gift with a ducky hooded towel, a rubber duck for the bathtub and a book about a yellow duck. Very cute. That same day, I drove from Little Falls to Oshkosh to attend the 1st communion/birthday party of my friend Tracy's children Amara and Bryson.
After church they had a small gathering for friends and family at their house.
Ayden BartzAmy Schmidt and her son. All the kids getting ready for cake.
I love the smell of spring. Our neighbors have this great flowering tree in the backyard and I can't stop smelling it as I pass. The other pic is of a flowering shrub we have planted which also smells awesome. When Miley and I go out walking I find myself stopping and smelling everyone's trees. I can't get enough, LOL. I feel like those people in the febreeze know the ones that are laying on their stomachs sniffing the carpets.
This past weekend my Grandma was having a rummage sale and let me put some of my toys in. The kids and I drove up Thursday night and stayed until Saturday. Out of 9 or 10 totes, I came back with 2 so I think it went well.
Lexi and Will passing the time playing together.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day...

To my mom...and my mother-in-law, Joanne.
I hope you both have a wonderful day!
The kids brought me up a tray in bed this morning that consisted of the Sunday paper, a new book, a card they made that recorded their voices saying, "Happy Mother's Day mommy, we love you!" and a big piece of carrot cake. All of my favorite things! Lexi wanted to make me breakfast, but we are going out for brunch so she settled for bringing me some orange juice. I am so blessed to be the mommy of two wonderful kids.
Today's song is the song that played after the kids personalized message in my card.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Will had gotten bubble mower for Christmas this year. So when Rick went to mow the lawn this week, we got it out so Will could mow with him. He just loved it! If Rick went forward, he went forward. If Rick went backwards, he went backwards. It was so cute.