We went on our annual family vacation to the cabin over the 4th of July weekend. This year it was Dad, our family, our close family friends the Bartz family, who have been coming with us since we were young kids, (Jen, Todd, Alec and Ayden) and Lexi got to bring a friend along, Amara. It was the first time I can remember, that it was actually "hot" up there. It wasn't near as bad as when we left Leopolis, where the heat was just awful, but it was nice where we could lay out in the sun and do a little swimming. We were worried about sleeping at night because there isn't electricity, but it cooled off enough at night that we actually slept with blankets on. Below are some pictures of the memories we made!
Lexi enjoying the warm water...
A snake the kids caught in a bucket...
We stayed up most nights until midnight - 1 a.m. playing cards. Miley wanted in on the action, so we let her. How do you like her poker face?
The kids playing down the road making some sand creations...
Amara caught a nice little bass off the shore...
This little butterfly hung out on Lexi's foot even as she walked around.
Papa Bob and Lexi
Will and Rick enjoying the lake...
Ayden trying to lick Todd...lol
This is how we shower without electricity...:)
What the hell....
Such great helpers we had...
The Otto family came to pay us a visit Friday night. We had gone swimming at their cabin near Conover on Thursday, so they came to have a campfire with us. Too bad the rain decided to come at the same time. :( We had a fun time playing cards instead.
Will, Ayden, Callie and Amara...
Playing a little "31"
Amara with her stylish hat...
Ouch...it might have hit him in the face..but he held strong and caught it. When he caught the ball....
He did this dance...lol
Sneaking a hug from my Will...
Will always makes us pose like this...ha ha
Beautiful, sunny skies over our little lake...
Will and his buddy Ayden. Ayden just loves Will and wants to do whatever he is doing. It got to the point where Jenny and Todd would ask Will what he wanted for dinner, because Ayden would always choose whatever Will was having.
Amara and Lexi...
Todd and Ayden trying their luck at fishing...
First a snake..now a turtle!
Alec and Ayden Bartz, Lexi and Will Radies, Amara Otto
Who could forget our faithful companion, Miley.
Jenny took this picture of the boys. So cute.
Until next year "Heartburn Haven"...