Thursday, November 17, 2011

4th Grade Basketball...

Lexi joined the 4th grade basketball team at her elementary school.  They practice two nights a week and will play in 4-6 tournaments.  She had her first tourney in Neenah this weekend, playing four games.
The first game started out really rough.  She, along with a few of the other girls looked lost, like a deer in the headlights.  I could see her frustration when she game out during part of the game and had a few tears.  The other team they were playing had already played 7 games that season, so they were all over our girls and we got beat 22-2.
The second game the girls were starting to figure things out and although they got beat worse than the first game, they looked better. The second team again had played several games already and were very aggressive.  By the third game Lexi and her team had improved a ton.  They still lost, but there was a ton of hussle and they had a much better understanding of the game.
Lexi's cheering section for games 2 and 3...
Will was not feeling well for the 4th game (we had been at the gym since 9 a.m. and the last game was close to 4 p.m.), so I took him home to give him some Tylenol.  Of course, missing the last game Lexi scored 2 baskets!  So proud of her from that first game to the last.  Just wish I wouldn't have missed it!  Great job Lex!
Lexi and Papa Bob
Lexi and Papa Ron and Grandma Joanne
Hanging with the girls between games..
If you know Lexi, she loves hot dogs.  The girl ate a hot dog after each game!  lol
Rick is also helping coach her team and was very proud of how she did.  She was given his baseball number too for her uniform, which made him happy as well.  She also is following in his footsteps in basketball with her  She picked out the Air Jordans, just like he had in highschool (and probably has saved somewhere. :)

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