Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grandpa Reno

Reno Frailing
February 1, 1919 - March 4, 2009
Grandpa Reno passed away this morning around 4:30 a.m. He had just turned 90 last month. (see blog from January) We are so sad to see him go. I have known Reno now for 17 years and have enjoyed him immensely. I will remember Reno as a fixture at all of Rick's sporting events, I will remember him for giving us a pack of bubble gum every time he saw us, I will remember him smoking his cigars, I will remember him for being so proud of his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I will remember him for that twinkle in his eye when he smiled, I will remember him for accepting me as part of the family the moment he met me and I will remember him for his sense of humor.

This past summer he was in Joanne's house with me before a baseball game, which he rarely missed. He says, well, I better get up to the ball game - want to check out those Bowler women. LOL He would always start a sentence using my name. Melissa, he would say, they feed me four times a day at that home. I only eat twice because I just can't eat that many times a day. Melissa, he would say, you gotta work tomorrow? To which I would always reply, yes and he would say that he did too even though he had been retired for many years.

I am saddest because he and Will had such a special relationship and I am afraid Will is too young that he won't remember the bond they shared. Although the selfish part of me wishes he was still with us, the other part of me knows that he is so much happier now. I know how much he has missed Elva over the last eight years and I can only imagine what a wonderful reunion they had this morning.

Rest in peace Reno, we are going to miss you. Say hi to Elva for us..until we meet again.

Melissa, Rick, Lexi and Will


Nikki Cleary said...

that is beautiful melissa....yes, we will miss him.

i am 1 cm dilated and i am being induced on the 16th...will let you know if anything changes. I have one other appt next wed to make sure we are on track...

love you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute! Your words truly came from your heart.. Reno was a great man and will be missed by all who had the honor of knowing him.

Anonymous said...

He will be greatly missed. Long live his love of baseball, his sense of humor, his love of family. Alva will be waiting for him.

All our love.